I slid the light green pair of satin panties up my legs, and walked out the bathroom. Stacy eyed me with delight and said, "Hey sexy, why don't you turn around, so I can see your but. I turned and gave Stacy what she wanted. She had me pose for here until she got bored and started texting one of her friends. When I noticed that, I decided to push her down onto the bed and make my move. She liked this, and we had some hot sex. She insisted that I keep the panties on again, but it didn't matter.
The next day I decided to wear the nylon blue polka dot panties to work to make Stacey happy, but I wore boxer over them. Stacy said she wanted me to wear panties twice a week, but she never said it had to be just panties. I texted Stacy to let her know I was wearing them and got dressed and went to work. It was kind of weird and embarrassing at first wearing panties to work, but I had boxers over them. There was no way for anyone would know that I was wearing woman's panties. The day went by as normal. Answer phone calls, work on spreadsheets, and have a surprise visit from Stacy!
Stacy walked into my office, closed the door, and said, "Hey sexy, I just came to see my sexy boyfriend." I forced out a grin and said, "Hey beautiful." Stacy got real close to me, and whispered, "Can I see your panties?" I got kind of nervous, but I complied. I pulled the string of the blue bikini panties above my pants so she would see without seeing my boxers. Stacy smiled and said, "pull your pants down." I told her, "Baby please, I'm at work.", but she would not take no for an answer. I pulled my pants down, and she saw the boxers. The look on Stacy's face went from a smile to a frown in less than 5 seconds. Stacy whispered forcibly, "Give me those boxers now." I told her, "You never said I couldn't wear boxers over them. It is to embarrassing to just wear panties." Stacy said louder, "Give them to me now." I reluctantly complied, sliding my pants off and giving her my boxers. Stacy glared at me and said, "We will talk about this tonight." I hurried up and pulled my pants back up, and she left.
I stayed in my office the rest of the day, avoiding everyone. The fear of bending over and having my panties exposed was to much to bear. At the end of the day, I left and returned to my house to be met by Stacy.
Stacy yelled at me, "You said you were going to wear panties to work twice a week, and that means NOTHING BUT PANTIES." I yelled at her, "Screw you, I'm not doing this anymore. You have no right to go over to my place of employment, and order me to strip." Stacy said, "You better know your roll in this relationship, I am the dominate partner in this relationship. I yelled, "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Let me make this clear. I am a nice guy, but from now on I am the boss. I will wear only boxer from no on. Stacy retorted, "Well, if you want to prove your the boss, I have a ultimatum. You like to watch wrestling, so we are going to have a wrestling match." I said, " I'm listening." She said, "Lets have a Bra and Panties match." "What? I'm not wearing panties again, and I'm definitely not wearing a bra.", I said. Stacy said, "Hear me out. You will only have to wear a panties, and if you win, this will prove that your the dominant one in the relationship, and you will never have to wear panties again. However if you lose, your but will be in panties 24/7." I said, "No way, I don't need to prove that to you." "Well you must know that you are going to lose chicken.", said Stacy. I said, "Fine. Your on." Stacy smiled and said, "Oh one last thing. You will have to wear a pink girly pair of panties for added effect if you lose. Nothing is more embarrassing than getting beat by your girlfriend and stripped to nothing but a pink pair of panties. I reluctantly said, "Your on, but enjoy it because this is the last time I will wear panties."
To Be Continued.
Do you think I will lose the bra and panties match?
Do you think i will be less of a man if I have to wear nothing but panties?